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43rd JSECS Executive Committee Election
42nd JSECS Executive Committee Election
42nd HKJSECS Executive Committee
42nd JSECS Sub-Committee Recruitment
42nd HKJSECS Sub-Committee
42nd HKJSECS Opening Ceremony
42nd JSECS Open for Membership Application!
Appointment of new Publications Director
40th JSECS Executive Committee Election
40th HKJSECS Executive Committee
40th JSECS Sub-Committee Recruitment
Establishment of the 40th HKJSECS Committee
HKDSE ICT Seminar 2019: Tackling the ICT Examination
Notice of Suspension
Formation of Interim Committee
HKDSE ICT Seminar 2018
38th Sub-Committee Recruitment
38th JSECS Sub-Committee
Appointment of Executive Committee Members
HKDSE ICT Seminars 2017
37th HKJSECS Executive Committee
37th JSECS Sub-Committee Recruitment
37th Sub-Committee Recruitment
37th HKJSECS Annual General Meeting cum Opening Ceremony
IT Running Man 2016
HKDSE ICT Seminar 2016
The Hong Kong Outstanding IT School Award 2016
City Tracing 2016: Ausgraburg
The 27th Hong Kong Joint School Electronics and Computer Exhibition
38th JSECS Executive Committee Election
36th HKJSECS Executive Committee
36th JSECS Sub-Committee Recruitment
36th JSECS Sub-Committee
Appointment of President and Vice President of the 36th HKJSECS
36th HKJSECS Annual General Meeting cum Opening Ceremony
HKCS Outstanding ICT Achiever Awards 2015
Cyberport Youth Coding Jam 1000
The Hong Kong Outstanding IT School Award 2015
HKDSE ICT Seminar 2015
學界微電影大賽 2015
City Tracing 2015 : Découvre
IT Running Man
37th JSECS Executive Committee Election
35th HKJSECS Executive Committee
35th JSECS Sub-Committee Recruitment
35th JSECS Sub-Committee
35th JSECS Orientation Camp
35th HKJSECS Annual General Meeting cum Opening Ceremony
Hong Kong Outstanding IT School Award 2014
IT Champions, A Brand New TV Drama Series on ICT Professionals
Visit to the Legislative Council
第 15 屆「DigiCon6 大賞」日本動畫大師交流會
校際手機應用程式設計大賽 2014
香港電腦學會IT職業博覽 2014
HKDSE ICT Seminars 2014
HKOITSA 2014 - Heats Results
City Tracing 2014 : Évadez
AIESEC Youth to Sustainability Summit 2014
Youth to Sustainability Summit x SONY Short Film Competition – “What is your ideal city like?”
學界微電影大賽2014 —— 「下一頁,夢想」
HKOITSA 2014: Semi-finals Result
校際手機應用程式設計大賽2014 賽果公佈
第25屆香港聯校電子及電腦展 —— 比賽結果
36th JSECS Executive Committee Election
34th JSECS Executive Committee
34th JSECS Sub-Committee Recruitment
Arrangements for 34th JSECS Sub-Committee Recruitment Interview
Clip and Cut – The Windows Movie Maker and Cliplets Workshop
34th JSECS Sub-Committee
34th JSECS Orientation Camp
34th HKJSECS Annual General Meeting cum Opening Ceremony
e-zone 萬人齊增值系列 Windows 8 操作研習坊
「DigiCon6 大賞」日本動畫大師交流座談會
Hong Kong Outstanding IT School Award 2013
Chinese New Year Greetings from HKJSECS
Extension of HKOITSA 2013 Application Period
HKDSE ICT Seminars 2013
Service Project: Scratch
City Tracing Programme: DASH
HKOITSA 2013 - Heats Results
iCity 網絡大使計劃 大使招募
HKOITSA 2013: Semi-finals Result
「學界微電影大賽 2013」
e-zone School 科技創意夏令營 2013
JSSS “Lueurs d’amour” Annual Ball
第24屆香港聯校電子及電腦展 —— 比賽結果
35th JSECS Executive Committee Election
Arrangement for 35th HKJSECS Executive Committee Election
33rd JSECS Executive Committee Election
Arrangements for 33rd JSECS Executive Committee Election
33rd JSECS Executive Committee
33rd JSECS Sub-Committee Recruitment
33rd JSECS Sub-Committee
33rd JSECS Orientation Camp
33rd JSECS Opening Ceremony
「WiFi 安全話咁易 2011」之 WiFi 保安大搜查電車之旅
HK Outstanding IT School Award 2012 Application NOW OPEN
Visit to Cathay City
「DigiCon6大賞」日本動畫大師交流座談會 X 《Keroro軍曹》
2012 WiFi 危機解密研討會
HKDSE ICT Seminars 2012
Easter Event - ECS'ter
全港校際生活科技問答大賽 2012
HKOITSA 2012 - Heats Results
Appointment of Acting President for the 33rd JSECS
Create a brilliant new MTR App and win HK$100,000
e-zone School 科技創意夏令營 2012
ÉCLAT {”Short Film Exchange Programme 2012
HKOITSA 2012: Semi-finals Results
全港校際生活科技問答比賽 2012 初賽結果
RE: Appointment of President
Orientation Day - ÉCLAT {”Short Film Exchange Programme 2012
Workshop - ÉCLAT {”Short Film Exchange Programme 2012
Details of Hong Kong Inter-school IT Quiz 2012 Semi-finals
Hong Kong Youth 3D Animation Competition
HKOITSA 2012: Mentorship Programme for Finalists
Semi-Finals of the Inter-school IT Quiz 2012
Voting - ÉCLAT {”Short Film Exchange Programme 2012
第二十三屆聯電展 Android App
全港校際生活科技問答比賽 2012 決賽詳情
34th JSECS Executive Committee Recruitment
JSECS Annual Dinner 2012 – Illuminate
Arrangements for 34th JSECS Executive Committee Election
32nd JSECS Executive Committee
32nd JSECS Sub-Committee Recruitment
HKJSEA & JSVA Exco Establishment
Arrangements for 32nd JSECS Sub-Committee Recruitment Interview
Results of 32nd JSECS Sub-Committee Recruitment
32nd JSECS Orientation Camp
32nd JSECS Opening Ceremony
「WiFi 安全話咁易 2010」海上之旅
PhotoImpact X3 影像處理精研班
DigiCon 6 大賞 - 日本動畫大師交流座談會
Visit to Hong Kong Broadband Network
Hong Kong Outstanding IT School Award 2011
全港校際生活科技問答比賽 2011
HKOITSA 2011 Briefing Session
本會榮譽顧問 馬維業先生 新年賀詞
HKDSE ICT Seminars 2011
Re-opening of Seat Reservation for HKDSE ICT Seminars 2011
第三屆香港聯校電子及電腦辯論比賽: 首輪初賽詳情公佈及資料更正
第三屆香港聯校電子及電腦辯論比賽: 首輪初賽賽果公佈
全港校際生活科技問答比賽 2011: 初賽結果公佈及準決賽詳情
第三屆香港聯校電子及電腦辯論比賽: 第二輪初賽詳情公佈
第三屆香港聯校電子及電腦辯論比賽: 第二輪初賽賽果公佈
第三屆香港聯校電子及電腦辯論比賽: 第三輪初賽詳情公佈
全港校際生活科技問答比賽 2011: 準決賽簡介會
第三屆香港聯校電子及電腦辯論比賽: 第三輪初賽賽果公佈
第三屆香港聯校電子及電腦辯論比賽: 半準決賽(八強)詳情公佈
第三屆香港聯校電子及電腦辯論比賽: 半準決賽(八強)賽果公佈
第三屆香港聯校電子及電腦辯論比賽: 準決賽(四強)詳情公佈
HKOITSA 2011: Release of Heat Results
e-zone及e-zone School「有腦科技通識」講座: Women in Technology - Multiple Hats?
第三屆香港聯校電子及電腦辯論比賽: 準決賽(四強)賽果公佈
HKOITSA 2011: Release of Semi-finals Results
全港校際生活科技問答大賽2011: 準決賽
全港校際生活科技問答大賽2011: 準決賽結果公佈
Joint School Short Film Project 2011 “Exopia”
HKOITSA 2011: Mentorship Programme for Finalists
Joint School Short Film Project 2011 “Exopia”: Orientation Day
Joint School Short Film Project 2011 “Exopia”: Workshop Day
第三屆香港聯校電子及電腦辯論比賽: 冠軍賽及季軍賽詳情公佈
Joint School Short Film Project 2011 “Exopia”: Updates
e-zone 科技創意夏令營 2011
H.O.T. City Tracing 2011
第三屆香港聯校電子及電腦辯論比賽: 冠軍賽及季軍賽賽果公佈
HKOITSA 2011: Exhibition Briefing and Mentorship Programme 2nd Meeting
H.O.T. City Tracing 2011: Details
22nd Hong Kong Joint School Electronics and Computer Exhibition
JSECS Annual Dinner 2011 – Feliz
31st JSECS Executive Committee
31st JSECS Sub-Committee Recruitment
31st JSECS Sub-Committee Recruitment
31st JSECS Opening Ceremony
Results of 31st JSECS Sub-Committee Recruitment
31st JSECS Orientation Camp
JSECS Annual Dinner 2009 – Zenith
Hong Kong Outstanding IT-School Award 2010
Visit to Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks
Regular HKCEE CIT Seminars 2009-2010
Rearrangement of Hong Kong Outstanding IT-School Award 2010 Schedule
HKCEE CIT Seminar 2010
Hong Kong Outstanding IT-School Award 2010 Updates
Notice to HKOITSA 2010 Semi-Finalists
e-zone@School 「有腦科技通識 - 低碳生活新方式」講座
Joint School Short Film Contest 2010
Hong Kong Outstanding IT-School Award 2010 Updates (II)
Application for 32nd JSECS Executive Committee Election
聯校短片製作大賽2010 投票環節
21st Hong Kong Joint School Electronics and Computer Exhibition
Results of HKOITSA 2010 and JSSFC 2010
Arrangements for 32nd JSECS Executive Committee Election
Application for 30th JSECS Executive Committee Election
30th HKJSECS Executive Committee
Application for 30th JSECS Sub-Committee Members Election
30th HKJSECS Executive Committee & Sub-committee list
30th HKJSECS Orientation Day and Opening Ceremony
Application for the Hong Kong Outstanding IT School Award
Application for 30th JSECS Membership
The Hong Kong Outstanding IT School Award - Heats
HKCEE CIT Seminar 2009
Application for Graphic Design Course - Updated
Hong Kong Outstanding IT School Award Semi-Finalists
Hong Kong Outstanding IT School Award Finalists
The Joint School Short Film Production Workshop 2009
Cancellation of JSECS IT Education Camp
Hong Kong Outstanding IT School Award - Briefing Session
Arrangements for Joint School Short Film Production Workshop 2009
The 20th Hong Kong Joint School Electronics and Computer Exhibition - IT Rewinds, IT Refines
Hong Kong Outstanding IT School Award 2009 - Results
Application for 31st JSECS Executive Committee Election
31st JSECS Executive Committee Election
About Us
4th HKJSES (1982-1983)
5th HKJSECS (1983-1984)
13th HKJSECS (1991-1992)
14th HKJSECS (1992-1993)
15th HKJSECS (1993-1994)
16th HKJSECS (1994-1995)
17th HKJSECS (1995-1996)
18th HKJSECS (1996-1997)
19th HKJSECS (1997-1998)
20th HKJSECS (1998-1999)
21st HKJSECS (1999-2000)
22nd HKJSECS (2000-2001)
23rd HKJSECS (2001-2002)
25th HKJSECS (2003-2004)
26th HKJSECS (2004-2005)
27th HKJSECS (2005-2006)
28th HKJSECS (2006-2007)
29th HKJSECS (2007-2008)
30th HKJSECS (2008-2009)
31st HKJSECS (2009-2010)
32nd HKJSECS (2010-2011)
33rd HKJSECS (2011-2012)
Year Theme
34th HKJSECS (2012-2013)
35th HKJSECS (2013-2014)
36th HKJSECS (2014-2015)
37th HKJSECS (2015-2016)
38th HKJSECS (2016-2017)
Advisory Body
Alumni Contacts
Constitution (2010 Chapter 2)
Constitution Amendment (No. 2) Act 2010
Constitution Amendment Act 2011
Introduction & History
Member Schools
Our History
People Directory
Structure & Duties
Who We Are
4th JSES (1982-1983)
5th JSECS (1983-1984)
12th JSECS (1990-1991)
13th JSECS (1991-1992)
14th JSECS (1992-1993)
15th JSECS (1993-1994)
16th JSECS (1994-1995)
17th JSECS (1995-1996)
18th JSECS (1996-1997)
Cyber Contest
HKCEE Computer Studies Mock Test 1997
Interschool Electronics and Computing Quiz 1997
School Homepage Project
X Dimensions (13th Hong Kong Joint School Electronics and Computer Exhibition)
19th JSECS (1997-1998)
14th Netvigator Hong Kong Joint School Electronics and Computer Exhibition 第十四屆「網上行」香港聯校電子及電腦展
20th JSECS (1998-1999)
21st JSECS (1999-2000)
Hong Kong Schools IT World 2000
22nd JSECS (2000-2001)
23rd JSECS (2001-2002)
24th JSECS (2002-2003)
25th JSECS (2003-2004)
EC Life 2004 (16th Hong Kong Joint School Electronics and Computer Exhibition)
Health and Hygiene Homepage Design Competition
IPS - Designers' Course
IT Careers Talk
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Training Courses
Visit to CUHK
Visit to HKU CSIS Dept
Visit to MTR Tsing Yi Control Centre
26th JSECS (2004-2005)
Hong Kong Outstanding IT Student Awards 2005
27th JSECS (2005-2006)
18th Hong Kong Joint School Electronics and Computer Exhibition 第十八屆香港聯校電子及電腦展
Hong Kong Digital Visual Arts Content 2006
Hong Kong Outstanding IT Student Awards 2006
28th JSECS (2006-2007)
19th Hong Kong Joint School Electronics and Computer Exhibition 第十九屆香港聯校電子及電腦展
HKCEE CIT Seminar 2007
Hong Kong IT Culture Short Film Contest 2007
Hong Kong IT Culture Short-film Contest 2007 Kickoff Ceremony
Hong Kong Outstanding IT Student Award 2007
Information Technology Enrichment Project Course 2007
Invitation for Computer Engineering Open House 2007
Online Application of Sub-Committee Members
Promoting Legal Download Workshop - Introduction to Digital Rights Management (DRM)
Visit to the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
29th JSECS (2007-2008)
30th JSECS (2008-2009)
20th Hong Kong Joint School Electronics and Computer Exhibition 第二十屆香港聯校電子及電腦展
Hong Kong Joint School Short Film Production Workshop 2009
Hong Kong Outstanding IT School Award 2009
Second Round
31st JSECS (2009-2010)
Hong Kong Outstanding IT-School Award 2010
32nd JSECS (2010-2011)
Hong Kong Outstanding IT School Award (HKOITSA) 2011
Seat Reservation for HKDSE ICT Seminars 2011
33rd JSECS (2011-2012)
ÉCLAT - Short Film Exchange Programme 2012
Online Application
Past Videos
Promotion Video
ECS'ter 2012 - City Tracing x Detective Game
Hong Kong Outstanding IT School Award (HKOITSA) 2012
ICT Seminar 2012 (Online Application)
Visit to Cathay City (Online Application)
全港校際生活科技問答比賽 2012
第23屆香港聯校電子及電腦展 2012
34th JSECS (2012-2013)
City Tracing Programme: DASH
Hong Kong Outstanding IT School Award (HKOITSA) 2013
Online Application for Clip and Cut – The Windows Movie Maker and Cliplets Workshop
Seat Reservation for HKDSE ICT Seminars 2013
Service Project: Scratch
Short Film Exchange Project - CINEMA
第24屆聯電展 2013
35th JSECS (2013-2014)
City Tracing 2014: Évadez
HKDSE ICT Seminars 2014
Hong Kong Outstanding IT School Award (HKOITSA) 2014
Joint School Smartphone App Design Competiton
Visit to Legislative Council (Online Application)
第25屆聯電展 2014
36th JSECS (2014-2015)
City Tracing 2015: Découvrir
HKDSE ICT Seminars 2015
Hong Kong Outstanding IT School Award (HKOITSA) 2015
Inter-school IT Elite Challenge 2015
Inter-school Mobile Application Design Contest
第26屆聯電展 2015
37th JSECS (2015-2016)
#iRunner 2.0
City Tracing 2016
HKDSE ICT Seminar 2016
Hong Kong Outstanding IT School Award (HKOITSA) 2016
Inter-school Mobile Application Design Contest
38th JSECS (2016-2017)
3D Printing Workshop
HKDSE ICT Seminar 2017
Results: Wall of Fame
Hong Kong Outstanding IT School Award (HKOITSA) 2013
Hong Kong Outstanding IT School Award (HKOITSA) 2013
Hong Kong Outstanding IT School Award (HKOITSA) 2012
Hong Kong Outstanding IT School Award (HKOITSA) 2011
Hong Kong Outstanding IT School Award (HKOITSA) 2010
Hong Kong Outstanding IT School Award (HKOITSA) 2009
Hong Kong Outstanding IT Student Awards 2007
Hong Kong Outstanding IT Student Awards 2006
Inter-school Short Film Competition 2014
Inter-school Short Film Competition 2013
Joint School Short Film Exchange Programme 2012
Joint School Short Film Project 2011
Joint School Short Film Contest 2010
IT Culture Short Film Contest 2007
全港中小學香港IT文化徵文比賽 2007
香港聯校電子及電腦辯論比賽 2011
香港聯校電子及電腦辯論比賽 2007
香港聯校電子及電腦辯論比賽 2006
Media Center
28th JSECS
Press Release: Brand-new 28th HKJSECS On Stage
27th JSECS
Hong Kong Outstanding I.T. Student Awards 2006 - Interview
26th JSECS
SCMP Young Post - Competition to raise profile of information technology (13 May 05)
SCMP Young Post - IT Contest open for entries (26 Apr 05)
25th JSECS
“Technology in Modern Life” Engineering Summer Camp 2004 (July 26-28, 2004)
香 港 中 文 大 學 工 程 學 院 夏 令 營 - 培 育 科 技 人 材
第 十 六 屆 香 港 聯 校 電 子 及 電 腦 展 「簡 易 生 活 2004」 - 生 活 化 資 訊 科 技 展 覽 及 比 賽
40th JSECS
40th DSE ICT Seminar
37th JSECS
37th JSECS Orientation Camp
37th JSECS Annual General Meeting cum Opening Ceremony
27th JSECS Exhibition
36th JSECS
36th AGM cum Opening Ceremony
36th JSECS Orientation Camp
JSECS City Tracing 2015: Découvre
26th Hong Kong Joint School Electronics and Computer Exhibition
35th JSECS
35th JSECS Orientation Camp
35th JSECS Opening Ceremony
HKDSE ICT Seminars 2014
IMADC 2014 - Mentorship Programme
City Tracing 2014: Évadez
25th Hong Kong Joint School Electronics and Computer Exhibition
34th JSECS
Orientation Camp
HKOITSA 2013 Briefing Day
HKDSE ICT Seminars 2013
Service Project: Scratch
34th JSECS - City Tracing Programme: DASH
「學界微電影大賽 2013」學生組 (迎新日)
「學界微電影大賽 2013」學生組 (工作坊)
33rd JSECS
33rd JSECS Opening Ceremony
Visit to Cathay City
HKOITSA 2012 Heats
ECS'ter 2012 - City Tracing x Detective Game
Joint School Short Film Project 2012: ÉCLAT
The 23rd Hong Kong Joint School Electronics and Computer Exhibition
The 23rd Hong Kong Joint School Electronics and Computer Exhibition
Annual Dinner 2012 - illuminate
32nd JSECS
32nd JSECS in Action
32nd JSECS Orientation Camp
32nd JSECS Opening Ceremony
Visit to Hong Kong Broadband Network
Hong Kong Outstanding IT School Award 2011 Briefing Session
HKDSE ICT Seminars 2011
Joint School Short Film Project 2011 “Exopia”
22nd Hong Kong Joint School Electronics and Computer Exhibition
31st JSECS
31st JSECS Opening Ceremony
31st JSECS Orientation Camp
Regular CIT Seminars 2009-2010
Annual Dinner 2009
Visit to Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks
HKCEE CIT Seminar 2010
21st Hong Kong Joint School Electronics and Computer Exhibition
30th JSECS
30th Orientation Day and Opening Ceremony
HKCEE CIT Seminar 2009
Hong Kong Outstanding IT School Award 2009
20th Hong Kong Joint School Electronics and Computer Exhibition
29th JSECS
HKCEE CIT Seminar 2008
28th JSECS
28th Sub-Committee Recruitment
28th Orientation Day
University Visit to HKUST 2006
Christmas Gathering 2006
HKCEE CIT Seminar 2007
Hong Kong IT Culture Short-film Contest 2007 Kick-off Ceremony
19th Joint School Electronics and Computer Exhibition
Annual Dinner 2007
27th JSECS
Second round of the Hong Kong Outstanding I.T. Student Awards 2006
IT Debate 2006
18th Joint School Electronics and Computer Exhibition
26th JSECS
17th Joint School Electronics and Computer Exhibition - Extract
17th Joint School Electronics and Computer Exhibition - Day 1
17th Joint School Electronics and Computer Exhibition - Day 2
17th Joint School Electronics and Computer Exhibition - Day 3
25th JSECS
Visit to MTR Tsing Yi Control Centre
16th Hong Kong Joint School Electronics and Computer Exhibition
22nd JSECS
19th JSECS
14th Netvigator Hong Kong Joint School Electronics and Computer Exhibition
Join Us
Application for JSECS Membership
JSECS Executive Committee Election
34th JSECS Executive Committee Recruitment
35th JSECS Executive Committee Election Online Application
36th JSECS Executive Committee Election Online Application
37th JSECS Executive Committee Election Online Application
38th JSECS Executive Committee Election Online Application
40th JSECS Executive Committee Election Online Application
42nd JSECS Executive Committee Election Online Application
43rd JSECS Executive Committee Election Online Application
JSECS Sub-Committee Online Application
35th JSECS Sub-Committee Recruitment
35th JSECS Sub-Committee Recruitment
37th JSECS Sub-Committee Recruitment
38th JSECS Sub-Committee Recruitment
40th JSECS Sub-Committee Recruitment
42nd JSECS Sub-Committee Recruitment
Contact Us