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ECS EVENT Joint School Short Film Project 2011 “Exopia”


Joint School Short Film Project 2011 “Exopia”

 32nd HKJSECS 

Exopia is a world full of wonder, glamour and colours.

The name Exopia originates from the words “Exotic” and “Utopia” and has the implied prospect of an ideal world of uniqueness and happiness. The Joint School Short Film Project 2011 is a fresh opportunity for you to build your own Exopia with new friends, new perspectives and most importantly, your cameras.

Exopia. Your dream.

Project Overview

Exopia is a theme-based short film project which aims at giving participants a chance to produce a short video with new friends. The project involves the building of friendships among students from different schools, the demonstration of creativity and talents, and the acquisition of technical knowledge and experience in film production.

  • An orientation day, which is basically a university-tracing day, is specially designed to establish bonding within and between the participating groups.
  • To better equip participants with basic skills required for filming, a workshop day is tailor-made to let participants try out different filming and photographic techniques. Short film professionals from UMovie and past participants will also come to share their experiences in short film production.
  • Each participating team will be given about a month’s time to design, shoot and edit its own short film.
  • The completed works will be displayed in the annual exhibition of the HKJSECS, which will be held in the shopping mall, in early August.
  • A certificate of participation will be issued to participants. This project will also be considered as an Other Learning Experience (OLE) for NSS students.

Project Details

Eligibility: Local Students from Forms 2 to 6
Quota: 50
Fee: $100 (JSECS Members)
$120 (Non-members)
* Inclusive of T-Shirt and Workshop Day Course fee

Schedule (Tentative)

Orientation Day 26th June 2011 (Sunday)
Workshop Day 3rd July 2011 (Sunday)
Submission of Work 23rd July 2011 (Saturday)
Closing Ceremony/Exhibition 5th August 2011 (Friday)
Reunion Dinner 25th August 2011 (Thursday)

Supporting Organisation

Application Details

The deadline of application is 20th June 2011. Successful applicants will be notified by email.

Online Application

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