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Sight in Technospective, Unleash the Future
33rd Hong Kong Joint School Electronics and Computer Society (2011-2012)
The Committee Year Theme

Introduction of the 33rd HKJSECS Theme

Stepping into the 33rd year of Hong Kong Joint School Electronics and Computer Society (hereafter referred to HKJSECS), our theme for this year is “Sight in Technospective Unleash the Future”. The phrase “Technospective” is coalescence of the words “Technology” and “Perspective”.

In the era that we live in, technology reaches into every corner of our lives. We deliberately put “Technology” and “Perspective” together, as we would like to explore the infinite future by looking at the past, present and future technologies with different perspective and insight, so as to uphold the tradition of HKJSECS in educating and inspiring students in the technology field.

Technology is developing at a breakneck speed. With the advancement in technology, it has created us a dazzling and spectacular world of Internet. With a “Sight in Technospective”, it brings us innovative and creative ideas on improving the existing technologies. The phenomenal developments in information technology over the last decades have brought about the flourishing cyberspace, given us a peep into the near future. An insight into technology has led to the revolution in new ways of doing things and changed our daily lives thoroughly.

For most of the time, youngsters are bounded by the traditional ideologies, and fear to try some break-through ideas. By introducing “Technospective” to them through different kinds of theme-related events, we would like to inspire the generation of youngsters. “Technospective” can bring about instantaneous and astounding developments.

Under the subject “Sight in Technospective Unleash the Future”, a series of constructive theme-related campaigns and competitions will be held by the 33rd HKJSECS in the upcoming year. The activities include the HKDSE ICT (Information and Communication Technology) Seminar, Joint School Short Film Production Exchange Programme and the visit to Cathay City. In addition, numerous highlighted projects including the Inter-school Information Technology Quiz 2012, Hong Kong Outstanding IT School Awards 2012 and the 23rd Hong Kong Electronics and Computer Exhibition which were organised annually by HKJSECS will continue this year.

The 33rd HKJSECS will stay firm to our aims, to organise a series of theme-related activities for Hong Kong secondary students, and to promote the idea of an insight in technology. It is not far-fetched to imagine a new era with a “Sight in Technospective” and the creation of future is on the go with 33rd HKJSECS. The empires of the future are the empires of your “Technospective”.

33rd JSECS


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