32nd JSECS Opening Ceremony
32nd HKJSECSWe are pleased to announce that the 32nd JSECS Opening Ceremony will be held on 2010/11/13 (Sat).
The Opening Ceremony marks the official commencement of the 32nd Session. The Ceremony will be followed by the Annual Report of the last session and the presentation of the Year Plan for the current session.
We are delighted to have Mr. Rex Ma (MHKCS, MAITMgt, BBA, Dip.C.S.), our Honorary Advisor, to be the Guest of Honour for the Ceremony.
Rex is the co-founder of iGen6 New Media Consulting co. Ltd., responsible for strategic planning and business solution. Prior to the formation of iGen6, he was the Principal Consultant and Solution Architect for Oracle Corp., the Global 500 Corporation’s Hong Kong branch, accountable for strategic solution consulting. Rex also serves the community with leading roles in Innovative Entrepreneur Association, Hong Kong Computer Society (HKCS), Lions Clubs International District 303, Hong Kong & Macao, China, Junior Chamber International Hong Kong and member of Hong Kong Public Relations Professional Association.
The details of the Ceremony are as follows:
2010/11/13 (Sat)
2pm - 3:30pm
703, Mong Man Wai Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Visitors are warmly welcomed to join the Ceremony. Visitors may also apply for membership at the venue.
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