第23屆香港聯校電子及電腦展經已在8月8, 9日假荃新天地二期舉行。在為期兩日的展覽中,上演了三場激烈的比賽,優勝者名單如下:
The 23rd Hong Kong Joint School Electronics and Computer Exhibition was successfully held on 8th and 9th August 2012 in Tsuen Wan CityWalk 2. After two days of booth exhibition and a round of exciting competition involving four teams, the list of prize winners are as follows:
Results of Hong Kong Outstanding IT School Award 2012
The participating teams this year have showed enormous amounts of creativity. We look forward to all of you becoming the future leaders of Hong Kong.
Champion | King's College - The Eye Touch |
1st Runner-up | Good Hope School (Team 2) - Toilet-Easy-Go |
2nd Runner-up | Pope Paul VI College (Team 2) - Super Cloud |
Most Popular Booth Award | Pope Paul VI College (Team 1) - Plug and Pay |
全港校際生活科技問答大賽總決賽 得獎結果
The competition this year has been very fierce and the total marks of each team are extremely close. Due to two teams obtaining the same mark, this year there have been two 1st runners-up, in no particular order.
冠軍 Champion | 順德聯誼總會李兆基中學 STFA Lee Shau Kee College |
亞軍 1st Runner-Up | 聖公會林護紀念中學 SKH Lam Woo Memorial Secondary School |
亞軍 1st Runner-Up | 羅定邦中學 Law Ting Pong Secondary School |
優異 Merit | 英皇書院 King's College |
ÉCLAT {”聯校短片製作交流計劃 得獎結果
Each team's exciting short films have gained the likes from people from all over Hong Kong. We hope that next year each person will continue to participate in short film creation, continuing to Dazzle the World!
最佳短片 Best Short Film Award | Group 7 - 普通人,普通事 http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=3634378938090 |
Facebook 最受歡迎短片 Facebook Most Liked Award | Group 1 - The Next You Create http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=3634108411327 |
恭喜各得獎隊伍,並感謝各隊伍在比賽中的努力。與此同時,感謝 香港數碼港管理有限公司 及 香港電腦學會 作為是次展覽的協辦機構,以及感謝各贊助商、嘉賓、評判及訪客的鼎力支持。
May we congratulate all the prize winners, and thank other teams for their hard work throughout the competitions. May we also take this opportunity to thank our co-organisers, Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited and Hong Kong Computer Society, sponsors, all guests, judges and visitors for their enthusiastic support.
年度展覽為 JSECS 一年一度的盛事,亦為 JSECS 今屆最後一個公開活動。謝謝各位對 33rd JSECS 一直以來的支持,希望你們享受我們帶給你的一切!
The annual exhibition is one of JSECS most highlighted events, and is also the last public event during this term of office. May we once again thank you all of your support to the 33rd JSECS. We hope you have enjoyed every event that we have brought you!