Organized by the Hong Kong Joint School Electronic and Computer Society
Hong Kong Outstanding IT-School Award 2008-2009
Contest Guidelines

It has been a tradition for HKJSECS to organize the Outstanding IT Student Award so as to help students explore their potential in the IT aspect. Since the 29th year of JSECS, the IT Student Award has been changed to the IT School Award. This is to encourage students to form teams and achieve more with each others’ help and to promote IT culture in schools as a whole.
This year more on the development of IT may be stressed in the competition for the Award, as we shall look back and see how IT has reformed our lives in the past 30 years.
- To enrich students' knowledge in IT
- To review the development of IT of HK in the past 30 years
- To arouse students' awareness on how IT improves our living standard
- Applicants should form teams of 4 − 6 individuals
- Members of a team must be from the same school
- The competition is divided into three rounds.
- Judges of the competition will be honorary advisors of HKJSECS
Heat (online MC questions quiz)
- Questions are set on various topics about IT
- Teams are to use the usernames and passwords given to access the quiz and finish it within a given period of time
- Teammates are allowed to work together and use online search engines to complete the test. However, teachers and parents must not provide any help to students during the quiz
- Teams with excellent results will be qualified for the next round
Proposal writing
- Each team is required to hand in a detailed proposal
- The proposal is on how to construct/design a booth on the theme "IT rewinds IT refines" to review the development of IT of HK in the past 30 years
- Each team can decide their own topics
- Proposals will be judged on the creativity and accuracy of the proposals
- The best few teams will be qualified for the final round
- Teams may choose not to participate in the final round. In this case, they will only get the merit prize
- Second Round Guidelines -
- Each team is required to construct a booth in the 20th Hong Kong Joint School Electronics and Computer Exhibition according to the proposal written in the preceding round
- booths will be judged on the appearance of the booths and whether they are consistent with the proposals
- The best three teams will be awarded champion, 1st runner-up and 2nd runner-up respectively. Other teams will also be awarded merit prize
- Online application is available through the following link:
(Link Removed)
Proposals submission
- All proposals must be original
- The proposal should be in ".doc" format, but NOT ".docx" format
- The proposal should include the following
- Introduction and/or objectives
- Overall Plan of the Booth with illustration;
- Publications in the booth;
- Drafts of non-publications, such as models, to be displayed in the booth;
- Budget
- Any other materials required.
- Original files of publications included in the proposal should also be submitted
- Proposal files not greater than 10mb in size may be emailed to [email protected]; otherwise they should be burned onto a compact disc and mailed as followed:
(Name of School)
Hong Kong Best IT-School Award 2008-2009
PO Box 73945, Kowloon Central Post Office, Hong Kong
Application period |
7th Dec 2008 (Sun) to 15th Feb 2009 (Sun) |
Heat |
16th Feb 2009 (Mon) to 15th March 2009 (Sun) |
Announcement of semi-finalists |
Mid March 2009 |
Deadline for submission of proposals |
18th April 2009 (Sun) |
Announcement of finalists |
17th May 2009 (Sun) |
Exhibition |
Early August 2009 |
- Prizes are given to teams instead of individual students
- To Be confirmed...
二零零九年度香港傑出資料科技學校競賽 已圓滿結束, 多謝大家參與。
The Hong Kong Outstanding IT School Award 2009 has drawn to an end. Thank you for your participation.
競賽結果 Results of the Award
- 冠軍: 嘉諾撒聖芳濟各書院
Champion: St. Francis Canossian College
參賽主題 Topic: VoIP
- 亞軍: 天水圍循道衛理中學
1st Runner Up: Tin Shui Wai Methodist College
參賽主題 Topic: 網絡與過濾程式
- 季軍: 瑪利諾神父教會學校
2nd Runner Up: Maryknoll Fathers' School
參賽主題 Topic: 香港30年電子遊戲的發展