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ECS EVENT Visit to Cathay City


Visit to Cathay City

 33rd HKJSECS 

With a view to stimulate students' interests in various aspects of electronics and computer technology, JSECS is going to organise a visit to the Cathay City.

11th February 2012 (Saturday)

10:00 am - 12:30 pm

Assembly Place:
- To be Announced -

Assembly Time:
- To be Announced -

Application Fee:
$10 (members)
$20 (non-members)


Successful applicants will be notified via email.

Register to Join our Visit

Update: The quota of this event has been met. The application is closed. Thank you for your attention. - 2012/02/09 21:45 UTC+8

Photo from: - © Nxn 0405 chl - Licensed Under CC-BY-SA-2.5 License.

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