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ECS EVENT 34th JSECS Sub-Committee


34th JSECS Sub-Committee

 34th HKJSECS 

The 34th Hong Kong Joint School Electronics and Computer Society Executive Committee is pleased to announce the formation of the 34th Sub-Committee:

Project Department

CHAN Hiu Tsun陳曉蓁Good Hope School
FUNG Wing Kei馮詠琪Pope Paul VI College
IP Yu Kin葉如健Wah Yan College, Kowloon
Jimmy LEE李文俊SKH Lam Kau Mow Secondary School
SIN Wai Ying單蔚瑩St. Mary's Canossian College
SIU Wan Hei蕭蘊䮎Maryknoll Convent School
TSANG Shu Fai曾樹暉St.Joseph's Anglo-Chinese School

Public Relations Department

Annie FUNG馮安兒St. Mary's Canossian College
CHAN Ka Yan陳嘉欣Ho Fung College
CHAN Mei Wah陳美樺Holy Trinity College
CHOI Ching Nam蔡政男Wah Yan College, Kowloon
YEUNG Ho Lam楊皓嵐Hong Kong True Light College
MAN Pui Yi萬貝怡Good Hope School
NG Sze Wan吳思蘊St. Mary's Canossian College
TANG Pui Ying鄧佩盈Sacred Heart Canossian College
MA Se Yan馬思恩Good Hope School

Publications Department

CHAN Chun Yu陳俊儒Diocesan Boys' School
KU Wun Yan顧媛欣St. Mary's Canossian College
LEE Cheuk Lam李卓琳Hong Kong True Light College
POON Lai Ming潘麗銘St.Stephen's Girls' College
TSO Sin Yau曹善柔Hotung Secondary School
WONG Hiu Ying黄曉盈Hong Kong True Light College

We sincerely congratulate the above sub-committee members. The 34th JSECS will undoubtedly be a success with their support in the coming year. We would also like to express our deepest gratitude to all applicants for their participation. We look forward to seeing all of you in our future events.

Aaron Kwong
The 34th Hong Kong Joint School Electronics and Computer Society

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