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ANNOUNCEMENT 40th HKJSECS Executive Committee


40th HKJSECS Executive Committee

 40th HKJSECS 

The Hong Kong Joint School Electronics and Computer Society (HKJSECS) is pleased to announce the official establishment of the 40th HKJSECS Executive Committee. Members are as follows:

Choi Ching Lam (Diocesan Girls' School)

Jasmin Chan (Diocesan Girls' School)

Leung Ka Yan Miko (Diocesan Girls' School)

Project Director
Jasmin Chan (Diocesan Girls' School)

Public Relations Director
Leung Ka Yan Miko (Diocesan Girls' School)

Publications Director
Aaron Cheung (Wah Yan College, Kowloon)

May we congratulate the new Executive Committee members and wish them every success in the coming session.

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