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Visit to HKU CSIS Dept


Date: 17 April 2004 (Sat)
Time: 09:30-13:00
Venue: The University of Hong Kong

The Faculty of Engineering is one of the two founding faculties of the University of Hong Kong. The facilities available in the Faculty are comparable to top universities in the world with over 100 well equipped laboratories, hundreds of workstations and personal computers. We will have a chance to appreciate the uses of electronics and computers in the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems. Demonstrations of students projects and computer graphics will be shown!


Time Activity Venue
09:30-09:45 Opening speech; Introduction to CSIS curriculum Theatre B
09:45-09:55 Introduction to demo of the train set Theatre B
09:55-10:05 Introduction to demo in Graphics lab and vision lab Theatre B
10:05-11:00 Demo in Graphics lab and vision lab(>= 6 exhibits)
Demo of the train set
Gr Lab
11:00-11:15 Break (light refreshments) CB3/F
11:15-11:30 Talk on What is Software Engineering HW311
11:30-13:00 Intro and demo of the SLIM system
Cluster computing: Gideon, monitoring, JESSICA
Multimedia production showcase and SE projects