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ECS EVENT Application for 30th JSECS Membership


Application for 30th JSECS Membership

 30th HKJSECS 

Application for 30th JSECS Membership

The 30th HKJSECS is now recruiting members.

Members of the society will receive an exquisite membership card.
They will also subscribe to the newsletter of JSECS automatically as well as enjoying higher priority and various discounts on joining our activities.
By the end of the 30th HKJSECS, members will receive a certificate.

The membership fee is $20 each.

( To submit membership fee, if there are any executive committee or sub-committee members of JSECS in your school, please hand in to them. If no, please contact Mavis (E-mail: [email protected]; Mobile: 97684190) and make an appointment with her to submit the fee.)

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