
Home  »  Events  »  28th JSECS (2006-2007)  »  Information Technology Enrichment Project Course 2007

Information Technology Enrichment Project Course 2007

Co-organized by: Department of Computer Science and Engineering, HKUST
Education and Manpower Bureau, Government of HKSAR 
Objective: To introduce the fun and challenge of computer science (CS) and information technology (IT) to exceptionally gifted secondary school students through working on a programming-oriented group project under guidance.
Target: Form 3 to Form 7 students who are gifted in IT
Details: The project will last for 4 months, from April to August 2007
Meetings would be held on a regular basis of about once per month and a round-up camp would be held on 2nd to 4th August at the campus of HKUST.

More details:

Interested students from our member schools can apply through HKJSECS by filling in the application form. They are not necessary to be the students of the Exceptionally Gifted Students Scheme of the EMB.

All students who are interested in joining the programme can apply for fee waiver. Students having their school tuition fee being waived by the Student Financial Assistance Agency (SFAA) can have greater chance for successful waiver application. To apply fee waiver, please provide the notification letter from SFAA (if appropriate) or other supporting documents along with the application form. Successful applicants will receive notification letters from the EMB.

The application form should be returned the latest by 23rd March, 2007 and fax to 2358 1477. Successful applicants would be notified individually.  

For more details, please visit 

Should you have any enquires, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] , or Mr. Harry Shek (Vice-President) at 9813 4810 or Ms. Kitty Cheung (Vice President) at 6084 5518 during non-school hours.