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ECS EVENT Orientation Day - ÉCLAT {”Short Film Exchange Programme 2012


Orientation Day - ÉCLAT {”Short Film Exchange Programme 2012

Date: 30th June 2012 (Saturday)
Assembly time: 12:00 noon
Dismissal time: 5:00 pm
Venue: Room 702, Mong Man Wai Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

ECS EVENT RE: Appointment of President


RE: Appointment of President

We are pleased to announce that Psyche Chan Chor Lam (Acting President, May 2012 - June 2012) has been appointed as President in accordance with the Constitution. For any inquiries directed to our president, please feel free to approach Psyche Chan Chor Lam at [email protected].

ECS EVENT 全港校際生活科技問答比賽 2012 初賽結果


全港校際生活科技問答比賽 2012 初賽結果

全港校際生活科技問答比賽 2012 初賽經已完滿結束,不同的隊伍之間的競爭尤其激烈。分數經過整合後,本會決定選出十二隊最高分數的隊伍進入準決賽。本會熱烈祝賀入圍隊伍出色的表現,並衷心感謝各位老師和同學對是次比賽的支持。準決賽將於六月底舉行,有關詳情將會儘快透過電郵公布,請各參賽學校留意。

ECS EVENT HKOITSA 2012: Semi-finals Results


HKOITSA 2012: Semi-finals Results

We are pleased to announce that the semi-finals of the Hong Kong Outstanding IT School Award was successfully held on 19th May, 2012 (Saturday), in Cyberport. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the adjudicators, Mr. Rex Ma, Mr. Terence Leung, and Mr. Frankie Tam and all the participants for their excellent presentation that day.

ECS EVENT ÉCLAT {”Short Film Exchange Programme 2012


ÉCLAT {”Short Film Exchange Programme 2012

With the rise of the Internet and various video-sharing websites, short film production has become the new form of expression and creativity. The Hong Kong Joint School Electronics and Computer Society is now holding ÉCLAT {”Joint School Short Film Exchange Programme 2012. Professionals have been invited to hold workshops and most importantly your masterpieces will be shown in the 23rd Hong Kong Joint School Electronics and Computer Exhibition. What are you waiting for? Grab this chance and Dazzle the World!

ECS SUPPORTS e-zone School 科技創意夏令營 2012


e-zone School 科技創意夏令營 2012

「e-zone School 科技創意夏令營」載譽歸來 重臨數碼港!
返黎喇!「e-zone School 科技創意夏令營」返黎喇!e-zone 及 e-zone School 聯同數碼港,將於 7 月 18 日(星期三)舉辦「第三屆科技創意夏令營」,讓同學認識最新 IT 創意趨勢,親身體驗科技好玩之處。過去兩年的夏令營極受同學歡迎,名額火速爆滿。同學可從多元化的趣味活動中增長科技知識,寓遊戲於學習,一起交流發揮無窮創意。上年入唔到?今次預埋你!

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