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ECS EVENT PhotoImpact X3 影像處理精研班


PhotoImpact X3 影像處理精研班

由 e-zone School 主辦,智恒軟件協辦,JSECS 全力支持的「Corel PhotoImpact X3 影像處理精研班」,教你處理數碼拍攝影像、合成相片,再指導同學為人像圖片「化妝」,即使初學者亦能輕鬆上手。凡出席精研班者均可獲贈精美紀念套裝,更有機會獲得《Corel PhotoImpact X3 中文版》。如此精采豐富的內容,還不快快邀請同學仔一齊參加! 現加開少量名額,欲報從速!

ECS EVENT 「WiFi 安全話咁易 2010」海上之旅


「WiFi 安全話咁易 2010」海上之旅

自 2002 年起,「WiFi 安全話咁易〔SafeWiFi〕計劃」每年均會在香港各處搜集不同的無線網絡(Wi-Fi)數據,並以這些數據來評估香港 Wi-Fi 用家的安全意識,並提出相應的改善建議。

由香港無線科技商會(WTIA)及專業資訊保安協會 (PISA)主辦, e-zone 全力協辦,並得到香港電訊管理局(OFTA)贊助的「WiFi 安全話咁易 2010」,今年再度舉辦「Wi-Fi 海上之旅」。

ECS EVENT 32nd JSECS Opening Ceremony


32nd JSECS Opening Ceremony

We are pleased to announce that the 32nd JSECS Opening Ceremony will be held on 2010/11/13 (Sat).

The Opening Ceremony marks the official commencement of the 32nd Session. The Ceremony will be followed by the Annual Report of the last session and the presentation of the Year Plan for the current session.

Visitors are warmly welcomed to join the Ceremony.

ECS EVENT 32nd JSECS Orientation Camp


32nd JSECS Orientation Camp

In order to orientate our newly recruited Sub-Committee members, JSECS is organizing a 2-day Orientation Camp. Through various games and co-operative challenges, we aim at fostering bonds and friendship among fellow new comers of the ECS family.

Would all participants please refer to the information pack for more details.

ECS EVENT Results of 32nd JSECS Sub-Committee Recruitment


Results of 32nd JSECS Sub-Committee Recruitment

The 32nd JSECS Sub-Committee has been established.

The Society would like to congratulate the successful applicants and wish them every success in the 32nd session.

ECS EVENT Arrangements for 32nd JSECS Sub-Committee Recruitment Interview


Arrangements for 32nd JSECS Sub-Committee Recruitment Interview

The interview sessions for 32nd JSECS Sub-Committee Recruitment will be held on 2010/10/23 (Sat) and 2010/10/24 (Sun).

Applicants will be informed individually for the selection interview.
Those who have not been informed by 2010/10/21 (Thu) may assume that their applications are unsuccessful.

Click "More.." to view arrangements during bad weather.

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