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ECS EVENT The Hong Kong Outstanding IT School Award 2015


The Hong Kong Outstanding IT School Award 2015

The Hong Kong Outstanding IT School Award is one of the most highlighted projects organized by HKJSECS every year. Every year, we are able to attract student teams from different schools to compete and share their creative ideas with each other. Following last year’s great success, the 36th HKJSECS is going to organize HKOITSA 2015, continuing to provide a platform for students to show-off their talents and enrich their knowledge in IT.

ECS SUPPORTS Cyberport Youth Coding Jam 1000


Cyberport Youth Coding Jam 1000

This mega event aims to promote coding education among the youth and encourage students to develop programming potentials.

All participants will receive a series of FREE special coding training on Minecraft platform. With the skillset, participants can build their own assigned parts of the futuristic Smart City map from January to March 2015. On 9 April 2015, 1,000 selected participants will meet at the IT Fest opening ceremony at Central Harbourfront to finish their last bit of coding, where we will aggregate all completed parts into a giant digital Smart City for the public to see and witness the setting of a new World Record!

ECS EVENT 校際手機應用程式設計大賽2015





ECS EVENT 校際IT精英挑戰賽2015



香港資訊科技界人才輩出,有賴老師悉心的指導學生,啟發科技潛能。為鼓勵中小學生展現科技領域專長,提倡學界使用資訊科技的文化,由香港電腦教育學會 (HKACE) 與香港軟件業協會 (HKSiA) 及香港數碼港管理有限公司 (Cyberport) 主辦,本會協辦的「校際IT精英挑戰賽2015」已經開始接受報名。是次比賽活動將是「香港資訊科技數碼嘉年華2015」期間活動項目之一。

ECS EVENT 36th HKJSECS Annual General Meeting cum Opening Ceremony


36th HKJSECS Annual General Meeting cum Opening Ceremony

We are pleased to announce that the 36th HKJSECS Annual General Meeting cum Opening Ceremony will be held on 30 November 2014 (Sun). Visitors are warmly welcomed to join the Ceremony.

ANNOUNCEMENT Appointment of President and Vice President of the 36th HKJSECS


Appointment of President and Vice President of the 36th HKJSECS

With immediate effect from Wednesday 12th November, 2014, Matthew Tsui Sai On and Elsa Ma Ka Ying have been appointed as President and Vice President of the 36th HKJSECS respectively in accordance to the Constitution Section 5 Article 5.3.

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