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ECS EVENT Semi-Finals of the Inter-school IT Quiz 2012


Semi-Finals of the Inter-school IT Quiz 2012

 33rd HKJSECS 

The Semi-Finals of the Hong Kong Inter-school Information Technology Quiz 2012 was held successfully on 21st July at Cyberport. After 4 rounds of competition involving 12 teams, the list of qualified teams, in arbitrary order, is as follows:

全港校際生活科技問答比賽 2012 準決賽已於本年七月二十一日在數碼港順利舉行,經過四輪共十二隊的比賽後,選出決賽入圍隊伍的名單如下︰ (排名不分先後)

SKH Lam Woo Memorial Secondary School聖公會林護紀念中學
STFA Lee Shau Kee College順德聯誼總會李兆基中學
King's College英皇書院
Law Ting Pong Secondary School羅定邦中學

May we congratulate the qualified teams, and thank other teams for their enthusiastic support. The Grand Finals will be staged at the Hong Kong Joint School Electronics and Computer Exhibition on 9th August. Qualified teams will be notified soon of the details of the Grand Finals by email.


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