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ECS EVENT HKOITSA 2011: Exhibition Briefing and Mentorship Programme 2nd Meeting


HKOITSA 2011: Exhibition Briefing and Mentorship Programme 2nd Meeting

 32nd HKJSECS 

To provide the finalists with experiential IT learning opportunities outside classroom through interacting with IT professionals, a mentorship programme is specially designed for the finalists of HKOITSA 2011.

The second meeting of the mentorship programme as well as the exhibition briefing session will be held this Saturday. Details are as follows:

16 July 2011

1:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. (Registration starts at 12:45 p.m.)

Y410, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Dress Code:
Full School Uniform

It is reminded that at least 3 members from each team should attend the meeting. Teachers-in-charge are cordially invited to attend the meeting.

‹ H.O.T. City Tracing 2011: Details - 32nd JSECS - News HKOITSA 2011: Exhibition Briefing and Mentorship Programme 2nd Meeting - 32nd JSECS - News 第三屆香港聯校電子及電腦辯論比賽: 冠軍賽及季軍賽賽果公佈 - 32nd JSECS - News ›